For the second time, Gdańsk University of Technology confirmed its competences in "European University Association - Institutional Evaluation Programme" (EUA-IEP).
The IEP steering committee extended the right to use the EUA-IEP distinction for another 5 years. The first evaluation took place in September 2018.

Based on self-evaluation report and the visit of the evaluation team to Gdańsk Tech on March 20-24, 2023, among the changes introduced at Gdańsk Tech in the past 5 years, the following were particularly appreciated:

• appointment of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, the University Council, the Ombudsman for Academic Rights and Values,

• reorganization or establishment of new central units, such as the HR Centre, Strategic Analysis Centre, Center for Innovative Education, Project Management Office or Welcome Office,

• establishment of doctoral schools,

• improved position in national and international rankings,

• activities in the area of ​​Sustainable Development,

• joining the ENHENCE alliance.

The evaluation team also issued several recommendations for improvement.

Work on preparing Gdańsk Tech to maintain the EUA-IEP institutional evaluation was coordinated by the Strategic Analysis Center in cooperation with prof. Jacek Kropiwnicki from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology.

The mission of the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) is to support higher education institutions and systems in developing their strategic leadership and capacity to manage change through a process of voluntary institutional evaluations.

Gdańsk University of Technology has successfully completed the procedure of international institutional evaluation carried out by the EUA and on 10 September 2018 the University has obtained the right to use the EUA-IEP distinction (European University Association - Institutional Evaluation Programme) for the next five years. Gdańsk Tech is the third institution in Poland which received the EUA-IEP accreditation.

Undergoing the evaluation was entirely voluntary. In order to do it, Gdańsk Tech received funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education project called "International Accreditations", within the framework of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój), co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The EUA evaluators came to Gdańsk University of Technology twice, in April and May 2018. They visited faculties and met with authorities, a team responsible for preparing the self-evaluation report, teachers and students, as well as representatives of different university units and other stakeholders. The European University Association evaluated the Gdańsk Tech organization and management. Its members were impressed by positive testimonies of students and graduates, particularly from abroad, who expressed pride and satisfaction with their university of choice. The evaluators paid attention to the Gdańsk Tech advantages while showing possibilities for future organizational development.

On 10 September 2018, the EUA published the IEP evaluation report, which includes suggestions for the improvement of Gdańsk Tech.

One year after obtaining EUA-IEP accreditation, Gdańsk Tech prepared and submitted to the EUA a progress report, including implemented changes initiated by EUA-IEP.

On 30 October 2019, the EUA sent an official response to the Gdańsk Tech progress report. The European University Association has paid particular attention to the University's efforts to strengthen its research profile and suggested adopting a strategic approach to this issue to ensure ongoing and sustainable growth in research activity and funding across the university’s priority areas. The EUA also recommended that further monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the university development plan should be included to ensure its effective implementation.

Afterwards, for the next one to three years, Gdańsk Tech will be able to apply for the subsequent evaluation.

More information on the accreditation procedure and EUA activities can be found at: