The Scientific Databases and Information Skills course is designed to help each student use the resources the Gdańsk University of Technology has to offer effectively

  • books,
  • electronic databases,
  • e-resources (e-books, e-journals).

The critical information skills include:

  • being able to locate and access the information you need,
  • being able to compare and evaluate information,
  • being able to organise, apply, and communicate the information to others e.g., citing references in an essay, presentation, article, or diploma paper or creating a bibliography.

Mrs Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska teaches the Scientific Databases and Information Skills course as part of soft skills classes. The course contains three modules:


Online resources
Access to databases is possible from all computers located at the Gdańsk University of Technology, connected to the university computer network. You can connect with databases using your library account and HAN system.

Library account
To use the library's resources, a library account must be activated.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
ORCID is a code that uniquely identifies academic authors and contributors. It provides a persistent identity for humans and is similar in use to DOIs.

Database search skills, e.g., Keywords, Connect Keywords, Advanced Search Limiters, Developing a search strategy, Systematic literature review
Keywords, also called search terms, are the words you enter into the database search boxes. They represent the main concepts of your research topic and are words used in everyday life to describe it. Without the right keywords, you may have difficulty finding the articles you need.

Evaluation process, e.g., List of the Ministry's scored journals
The evaluation is related to the quality of scientific activity within specific scientific fields at the university. The evaluation is carried out according to three criteria:

  • Criterion I - scientific or artistic level of conducted scientific activity
  • Criterion II - financial effects of research and development works
  • Criterion III - impact of scientific activity on the functioning of society and economy

Publication activity, e.g., where to publish, bibliometrics, Journal metrics, Hirsch Index
Journal metrics seek to illustrate the relative importance of a journal within its field. They are not appropriate for evaluating articles published in those journals or the researchers who write those articles.


Open Science is defined as a set of practices that improve communication among research participants and increase the transparency and accessibility of scientific research and dissemination of research results. Openness in science affects each stage of the research process, from financing research projects and experiments, collecting data, publishing and reviewing research publications, and evaluating scientific achievements.

Open Access
Open Access means that publications are available online, free of charge, and free of most copyright laws and licensing restrictions. There are several models of OA: Green Open Access, Gold Open Access, Diamond Open Access, Bronze Open Access, and Black Open Access.

OA publishing programmes
Information about financial support in the publishing process from the University as publishing programmes.

Open Research Data
The term Research Data means all data gathered, observed, or created during the research process to receive original scientific findings. Depending on how they were made or what they were created for, research data can be distinguished as observational, experimental, simulation, or referential data.

Sharing Research Data
General information about FAIR rules which have been created to help scientists to prepare and make research data accessible.

Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that outlines activities done at every stage of work with research data. DMP should be created at the early stage of scientific research. Institutions and agencies granting financial funds for scientific research (National Science Centre (NCN), European Commission, Economic and Social Research Council, Natural Environmental Research Council) require DMP increasingly.

Data repository – Open Research Data Catalogue on the MOST Wiedzy portal
Basic information about institutional Open Research Data Catalogue Bridge of Data.


In this module, students can use theoretical information and improve their skills.