The profile of each Polish journal developed by the Gdańsk Tech Library consists of multiple sections. In the first part, the user can find the basic data of the journal, i.e.:

  • ISSN and eISSN,
  • links to websites,
  • names of publishers,
  • assigned research disciplines in accordance with the applicable list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The following sections contain:

  • journal score, based on the list of scoring journals announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
  • the current model of the journal (data directly related to the assumptions of Plan S, which is signed by the National Science Centre. The funding rules require grant recipients to publish in journals with the Open Access model, or hybrid models being transformed into an open model),
  • CiteScore,
  • Impact Factor is directly related to access to the Web of Science database and is therefore available after logging in to the BRIDGE of Knowledge.

In the next section, the user can find a comprehensive set of data on the publishing policy of a given journal:

  • licence used,
  • self-archiving conditions, i.e. the possibility of using the article content after publication by the author, including:
    • whether authors have the right to deposit the text (i.e. in their institutional repositories),
    • types of publications subject to consent for self-archiving,
    • time embargo, i.e. whether the editorial team requires the author to wait before self-archiving.

Librarians associated with university repositories will be able to make sure that the texts submitted by employees are not subject to legal restrictions on re-sharing. On the other hand, users can find information on the possibility of reusing the content.

In the "Work published in this journal" section, employees of Gdańsk University of Technology can check whether the title of the journal they are interested in is popular among their colleagues from the university. This functionality is possible thanks to the integration of the journal’s profile with the list of articles registered by Gdańsk Tech employees on the MojaPG university website.

The database of copyright and Open Access self-archiving policies of Polish scientific journals is available on BRIDGE of Knowledge platform from the journal module after selecting the filter: Polish magazines with publishing policy -> has in MOST Wiedzy, or after entering a given title in the search engine.