Frequently Asked Questions
The database of publishing policies of Polish journals is available on the MOST Wiedzy platform in the Journals catalogue. To learn about the publishing policy of scientific journals, go to the profile of a specific Polish journal and read the information in the Publishing policy tab.
The database of publishing policies of Polish journals available in the Journals catalogue on the MOST Wiedzy platform is currently being updated. The Gdańsk Tech Library team contacts individual editorial teams and publishers to verify data.
You can also submit updated information yourself. This can be done by e-mail:
To submit a journal for processing, please contact the team at:
To complete information on a journal, please contact our team at:
Of course. We encourage linking and active use. You can freely use the database of journal publishing policies available in the Journal catalogue on the MOST Wiedzy platform for your own work. What is more, editorial teams can easily place a link on webpages directly to their journal.
If you notice any errors or the need to supplement the information in the description of a Polish journal, please contact the Gdańsk Tech Library team at: