Publication of a scientific article and sharing research data, e.g. through a repository, is not enough to disseminate the results of your research.
Current technologies enable a number of activities to popularize scientific achievements. The possibilities include:

  • Data journals
    peer-reviewed journals with articles about research data. There is a direct link to a resource, and include detailed theoretical assumptions, conditions, methods and parameters accompanying the process of creating data. There are interdisciplinary journals like Scientific Data, Data in Brief as well as the ones focused on specific disciplines i.e. Genomics Data
  • Scientific social portals
    i.e. ResearchGate, or Impactstory - these portals support the communication between scientists from the whole world. If the scientific profile is updated on the regular basis, the interest of publication and the use of available data can increase
  • Social media
    you can use i.e. Twitter and update your profile to popularize your data. Twitter seems to be the fastest way of exchanging information

It should be remembered that social media portals for scientists support researchers in promoting research achievements, however they are not repositories or do not fulfil project`s assumptions related to making output of scientific research accessible.

There is a comparison of an institutional repository and ResearchGate portal:


Institutional repository 


Indexing (harvesting)


No (accidental)

Archiving (long-time preservation)  



Business Model

Non profit


Does it fulfil the requirements of agencies financing researches, programmes such as NCN, Horizon 2020 or publishers



Not only the traditional bibliometric indicators can be used to cite scientific publications but also alternative indicators - the so-called altmetrics. They use the frequency of a publication or a  dataset mentioning in social media or portals for scientists.

More about altmetrics