Argentum Triggering Research Grants | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-09-14

Argentum Triggering Research Grants

Program ARGENTUM supports the scientific development of young researchers conducting research in the thematic field of Gdańsk Tech PRA and having the potential to successfully apply for prestigious external grants, including international grants, in particular ERC grants.

What can you gain

Up to 300.000 co-financing for a research project or up to 100.000 in the case of a grant for the beneficiary of the Stanisław Ulam NAWA program. Funds can be allocated, among others for scientific research, but also for the costs of purchasing small laboratory equipment, computer hardware and software, or the remuneration of the project team.

How to apply

- funds under the Program are awarded in a competition mode. Call: 18 September 2020, 11:59 pm.

- applications for the beneficiaries of the Stanisław Ulam NAWA program are submitted on an ongoing basis to the IDUB Project Implementation Team and examined not more  often than once a month.

- the grant application should be prepared in English