Date added: 2020-09-14
Awards in the first edition of the Gdańsk Tech Rector's Grants entitled: ‘Modern Gdańsk Tech campus: we combine tradition with modernity’ granted

We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the Gdańsk Tech Rector's Grants competitions has been adjudicated. The aim of the first edition of the Grant was to develop a creative spatial concept for the exhibition hall and the exhibition and seminar hall in the Hydromechanics building.
On 29 April 2020, a session of the Competition Jury was held, which is composed of:
- Gdańsk Tech prof. Krzysztof Wilde, PhD, DSc, Eng. - Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology - Chairman of the Competition Jury,
- prof. Lucyna Nyka, PhD, DSc, Eng. Arch - Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Rector's Representative for the Spatial Development of the Gdańsk Tech Campus,
- prof. Jan Buczkowski, PhD, DSc Art - Rector's Representative for artistic affairs,
- prof. Robert Kaja, PhD, DSc
- Jacek Droszcz, MSc., Eng. Arch.
- Mariusz Miler, MSc., Eng. - Chancellor of Gdańsk University of Technology,
- Jan Cudzik, PhD, Eng. Arch - Judge Referent.
The competition jury, after carrying out a formal and legal analysis of the submitted works, made a substantive evaluation of the competition works in accordance with the criteria adopted in the Competition Regulations and decided to award prizes:
1st place Bartosz Rombalski, Wiktor Stankiewicz, Jerzy Sroka, Jakub Kruk
2nd place Monika Bucała, Małgorzata Kolasa, Amelia Chrzanowska, Martyna Kałużyńska
3rd place Angelika Fajtanowska, Katarzyna Grobelna, Agata Kielecka, Karolina Patla
ex aequo
Wiktoria Brzezicka, Karolina Daniluk, Kamil Jagódzki, Barbara Kobusińska
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IDUB office work on 31.05.2024