Date added: 2021-02-19
Almost PLN 700 000 was awarded in the first edition of the Plutonium program

In the completed call for proposals, 14 applications were submitted to the program, of which 6 received funding:
BioTechMed Center
1. Biochemically modified fiber optic sensors for the detection of protein in artificial urine
Project leader: PhD, Eng. Daria Majchrowicz (FETI), GUT BioPhoton Student Research Club Granted funds: PLN 134,400
2. Fluorescent resonance imaging system
Project leader: PhD, Eng. Adam Mazikowski (FETI), Soliton Research Club Granted funds: PLN 121,800
Center for Digital Technologies:
3. Set for research on reconfigurable satellite communication
Project leader: PhD, DSc, Eng. Łukasz Kulas (FETI), WiComm Yuniors Granted funds: PLN 39,100
4. Expansion of the digital protection relays designed to work in a DC station
Project leader: PhD, Eng. Andrzej Kuczyński (FE&CE), Student Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Gdańsk University of Technology
Granted funds: PLN 59 800
5. Implementation of space research under the Stardust and SimBa projects
Project leader: MSc, Eng. Adam Dąbrowski (FME&ST), SimLE Research Club Granted funds: PLN 172,500
and one interdisciplinary application submitted in the framework of three centers i.e. the Center for Digital Technologies, the Center for Advanced Materials and the EcoTech Center:
6. Development of the scientific potential of the team of students from the GUTRacing Team and presenting the publications and results of innovative research in the international arena
Project leader: PhD, Eng. Bogdan Ścibiorski (FME&ST), Mechanic Research Club: GUTRacing Team Granted funds: PLN 143,908
Decisions and justification for the merit evaluation will be sent by internal mail in the near future
IDUB office work on 31.05.2024