More applications submitted under IDUB programs have received funding | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-02-25

More applications submitted under IDUB programs have received funding

Argentum Copernicium
Grants were awarded in a continuous call for: an outstanding research project on the theory of microwave technology in the ARGENTUM program and for the preparation of an innovative international project in the area of biomaterials for ERC Starting Grants in the COPERNICIUM program

Projects with funding awarded:
Under the Argentum Triggering Research Grants program (Center for Digital Technologies)

  • Miniaturized reconfigurable multimode filters Project leader: Prof. Michał Mrozowski (FETI), awarded funding: PLN 100,000

Under the Copernicium International Grant Application Support Program:

  • Preparation of a grant application for ERC "Starting Grants" Project Manager: Michał Bartmanski, PhD (FMEST), Funds granted: PLN 70,400