Date added: 2021-03-03
First scholarships in the Radon program awarded

Based on the ranking list of assessed applications presented by the Evaluation Committee, the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology awarded 13 RADON scholarships to students who obtained a minimum of 175 points.
The scholarships were awarded in the amount of PLN 1 000 per month for a period of 12 months, i.e. from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2021.
The scholarship was granted to
lp. album no. faculty total points scored
1 165561 ETI 258
2 160757 ETI 258
3 165463 ETI 246
4 159901 CH 240
5 174086 APM 228
6 166140 CH 206
7 172208 ECE 204
8 173355 ETI 193
9 166047 CH 191
10 168962 ECA 188
11 175627 ETI 183
12 168197 CEE 181
13 177428 CH 175
IDUB office work on 31.05.2024