More than PLN 4.5 million awarded for research and development work for young scientists in the second edition of the ARGENTUM programe | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-02-22

More than PLN 4.5 million awarded for research and development work for young scientists in the second edition of the ARGENTUM programe

The awarded funds will enable a comprehensive research process and dissemination of research results, including the purchase of research apparatus, materials, small equipment or covering the costs of publishing the results. 
In the completed call, 54 applications were submitted to the program, of which 19 received funding:

within the EcoTech Center:

1. Multi-variant LCA in Ecodesigne
Project Manager: Krzysztof Doerffer PhD FMEST allocated funds: PLN 298,240

2. Sustained, inclusive and sustainable institutions for all: Neurodiversity-friendly smart work design. Acronym: SISI4ALL
Project leader: Joanna Szulc PhD FMA  allocated funds: PLN 114,635.40

3. Development of a new procedure for assessing the suitability of stored flux-cored wires for FCAW welding
Project manager: Aleksandra Świerczyńska, PhD, FMEST, allocated funds: PLN 230,207,80

4. Potential of the bitumen and bituminous mortars with reclaimed asphalt binder for self-healing
Project manager: Dawid Ryś, PhD, FCEE, allocated funds: PLN 194,568

5. An innovative approach to environment monitoring and construction diagnosis using autonomous solutions and artificial intelligence
Project manager: Paweł Tysiąc, PhD FCEE, allocated funds: PLN  298,810.70

6. Methods for speed estimation of a vehicle at impact with a road safety barrier
Project manager: Dawid Bruski, PhD FCEE, allocated funds: PLN  300 000

7. Analysis on the effect of a quasi-MQL system on the machining process of glued wood (qMQLGluWoodCut)
Project manager: Daniel Chuchała  PhD FMEST, allocated funds:  PLN 276 020 

within the BioTechMed Centre: 

8. chemical synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of hydroxamate siderophore - enzymatic inhibitor conjugates containing the stimuli-responsive 'trimethyl lock' linker
Project leader: Andrzej Skwarecki PhD FC, awarded funding: PLN  299,000

9. Bacterial cellulose as a matrix for vegetarian meat substitutes
Project leader: Dr Agata Sommer FC, awarded funding: PLN 175 990

10. evaluation of mechanical and biological response of bone scaffolds 3D printed with hybrid polymers
Project manager: Angela Andrzejewska, PhD FCEE allocated funds: PLN 299 960

11. Aromatic heptaenes seen in a new light: N-substituted aromatic analogues of amphotericin B with improved selective toxicity
Project leader: Paweł Szczeblewski, PhD FC, awarded funding: PLN 299,080

within the Center for Digital Technologies:

12. Modeling and forecasting of the global ionospheric state based on the GNSS technique and machine learning
Project manager: Grzegorz Nykiel, PhD FCEE, funds granted: PLN 174,240

13. Machine learning algorithms for optimization of structural and physical properties
Project manager: Dr Łukasz Doliński FECE, allocated funds: PLN 204 510 

14. Optimised control of biological processes in SBR (OptoSBR)
Project manager: Tomasz Zubowicz PhD FECE,  allocated funds: PLN 127 050

15. Heap palletization robot (HPR)
Project manager: Marek Tatara PhD FETI, awarded funding PLN 296,866

within the Center for Advance Materials:

16. design a multi-head 3D printing system for production of biocompatible scaffolds based on the unstable form of chitosan hydrogen doped with agarose
Project manager: Szymon Mania PhD FC, grant awarded: PLN 299,146

17. Small molecule activators stabilized by N-heterocyclic carbenes
Project manager: Kinga Kaniewska-Laskowska PhD FC, awarded funding: PLN 292 570

18. Vanadates on the visible-light-driven photocatalyst secret service-searching a new and effective to degradation of water pollution
Project manager: Dr. Marta Prześniak-Welenc FAPM grant awarded: PLN 298 560

19. Research on the interactions of boron and nitrogen quantum defects in semiconductor diamond-based nanowall structures
Project manager: Mateusz Ficek, PhD FETI, funds granted: PLN 215 962.98

Decisions will be delivered by internal Gdańsk Tech mail within three weeks