Results of the 2nd edition of the Francium Supporting Outstanding Doctoral Candidates program | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-03-11

Results of the 2nd edition of the Francium Supporting Outstanding Doctoral Candidates program

Based on the ranking list of evaluated applications presented by the Evaluation Committee, the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology accepted 32 out of 55 applications for FRANCIUM scholarships submitted by PhD students.

The scholarships were granted in the amount of PLN 2,000 per month for 12 months, i.e. from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022. The scholarships are exempt from personal income tax. According to the regulations of the program The scholarship is awarded for a period of 12 months - for a given academic year. If the competition is announced during the academic year, the scholarship is paid with compensation from October of that academic year.

Lp./No Nr indeksu/Register no Suma uzyskanych punktów/Total points Decyzja rektora/Rector's decision Okres wypłaty/Payment period Wysokość stypendium/Scholarship amount
1 155838 668 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
2 155591 449 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
3 175027 427,5  Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
4 154476 328  Yes  01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
5 143937 279 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
6 155949 271  Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
7 160636 270  Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
8 157195 265 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
9 154787 203 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
10 155958 181  Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
11 154404 177,5  Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
12 155371 145  Yes  01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
13 154291 142,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
14 188046 140 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
15 153281 132 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
16 154457 125 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
17 188040 123 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
18 154321 119 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
19 159967 117 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
20 161597 117 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
21 148599 105 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
22 151400 97,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
23 160659 97,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
24 188045 93,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
25 160268 92,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
26 188049 92,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
27 183568 77 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
28 148674 75 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
29 179318 66 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
30 155945 63 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
31 163627 61,5 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
32 161562 61 Yes 01.10.2021-30.09.2022 2 000 zł
Francium - lista rankingowa 2 ENG (pdf, 136.76kB)