Date added: 2023-03-01
Results of the Francium Supporting Outstanding Doctoral Candidates program

Based on the list of applications the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology accepted 126 out of 142 applications for FRANCIUM scholarships submitted by PhD students.
The scholarships were granted in the amount of PLN 2 500 per month for 12 months, i.e. from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023 (+ possible exceptions according to the regulations of the program).
Competition results
Francium results (pdf, 141.74kB)
Appeals against the Rector's Decision could be submitted until February 16, 2023. Appeals were considered by the Committee.
Out of the 15 appeals submitted by PhD students, the Rector of Gdańsk Tech approved 13 appeals and granted scholarships to those PhD students.
See more
IDUB office work on 31.05.2024