Urban Regeneration for Climate Change | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-03-18

Urban Regeneration for Climate Change

urban space
OEE Open Eyes Economy organizes The 2nd Regeneration of Industrial Cities Congress which is scheduled for June 7 - 8, 2022

The initiative is envisioned as a forum for the exchange of domestic and international experiences in modernizing and rebuilding cities with respect to contemporary challenges of climate change. 

Shaping metropolitan areas and urban spaces in a functionally coherent way is a vital problem for contemporary urban planners, especially in times of a multifaceted crisis in the organization of public spaces. Therefore, the voice of those directly involved in planning urban regeneration can be a key addition to the exchange of experience resulting in recommendations for future initiatives.

Thus, the construction industry is currently facing an unprecedented and multidisciplinary challenge on a global scale as it deals with multifaceted carbon reduction issues, e.g. reducing carbon emissions from heating, cooling, powering buildings, construction processes (materials, transport), etc. This is an amalgamation of multiple disciplines and practical experience is key here. The construction industry is currently the source of over a third of all global carbon emissions. How to reduce carbon emissions in the future?

The 2nd Regeneration of Industrial Cities Congress in Łódź, Poland
June 7 - 8, 2022, Details >>>