Separation of rooms in the Student House | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-06-30

Separation of rooms in the Student House

the photo shows the building of the Student's House No. 10 on Wyspiańskiego Street.

The allocation of places in rooms in a given Student House is dealt with by the Resident Councils of these dormitories.

Places are awarded on the basis of a timely application.

Download the application

Applications with documentation (scan or clear photo) should be sent to the e-mail address of the Council of Residents of the dormitory they live in:


  • Juy 1 - July 8, 2022 - submitting applications for places in the room;
  • July 20, 2022 - publication of results;
  • July 21 - July 23, 2022 - submission of appeals against the decision of the Resident Council;
  • July 28, 2022 - publication of the final results of the rooms allocated.

E-mails must be sent from an individual e-mail account in the domain.