Appeals against the SH decision (stage II) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-06-20

Appeals against the SH decision (stage II)

DS 5

The decision from the 1st stage of the allocation of places may be appealed to the Appeal Scholarship Committee by June 24, 2024. The procedure for submitting appeals is the same as for submitting applications, i.e. between 21 and 24 June, 2024, you must complete the application only via the electronic form available on your individual student account on the MojaPG portal in the Scholarships module. You do not need to print the application or bring it anywhere.
In the Note field, enter the reason for the appeal. The basis for the appeal may only be an indication of a breach of the terms and procedure for granting places in Student Houses.

Stage II may be attended by persons who submitted an application in the first stage of the allocation.

A student who would like to attach additional documentation to the application should send a scan of the documents (or clear pictures) to the following address: from your email account in the domain, entitling the message "Documentation, application xxxxx", where "xxxxx" is the number of the application sent in MojaPG. Documents must be sent after submitting the application on the MojaPG portal, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of sending the application. Documentation that does not meet these conditions will not be considered.