• 2022-03-08

    A new specialization in offshore studies at GdańskTech in cooperation with PGE

    Design and construction of marine power systems is a new specialization in the field of ocean engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology. Its main partner is PGE, which is implementing the project to build the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm, the largest offshore wind farm in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea.   – One of the pillars of cooperation between business and science is setting...

  • 2022-03-08

    Refugees from Ukraine accommodated in the dormitory of Gdańsk Tech

    More than 120 people escaping the war zone in Ukraine found refuge in the dormitory of Gdańsk University of Technology in Brzeźno, a district of Gdańsk. The building was comprehensively prepared for accommodation by employees and students of the university, and the transport from Przemyśl was provided by the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.   On Sunday evening, a special...

  • 2022-03-01

    We are helping! Donation action for refugees from Ukraine is under way

    Gdańsk University of Technology started a donation action for refugees from Ukraine. Collection points fill up hour by hour. For detailed information about the action, please look HERE. We constantly update the list of necessary items. In solidarity with Ukraine!

  • 2022-02-25

    In solidarity with Ukraine – donate your items [Update]

    Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office encourages staff and students to participate in the collection of items for refugees from Ukraine. In this difficult time, let us show our solidarity with the Ukrainian nation as an academic community. All the collected items will be transferred to the Students Affairs Office/Students Houses, which is preparing dormitory number 11 in Brzeźno for the...

  • 2022-02-25

    The best research projects of students have been selected

    The prototype of a radiolocation system with the use of deep learning, the use of machine learning algorithms to detect cancer in a biopsy and a prototype enabling effective detection of pedestrians at night - these are the best student research projects implemented at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. As part of the first edition of research projects, which is a...

  • 2022-02-10

    The main award of the President of the Stock Exchange

    Piotr Sulewski from the Faculty of Management and Economics took first place in the competition for the best diploma thesis and won the main award of the President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The aim of the competition is to encourage students to broaden their knowledge of the capital market, the institutions that create its infrastructure, as well as modern financial...

  • 2022-02-09

    Additional admission for international candidates

    From Monday, February 7th, additional admission for international candidates for master studies in English and Polish will start. The deadline for submitting documents is Sunday, February 20th. Candidates from outside Poland who would like to start their studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology in the summer semester (February-June) have the opportunity to submit documents as part of...

  • 2022-02-09

    Announcement for new international students

    International Relations Office invites newly admitted international students to participate in two important events: Registration Week (February 14-18) and Welcome Meeting (February 22). In February, more than 100 international students from Europe, Asia and Africa will join the group of students at Gdańsk University of Technology. Most of them, as many as 90, are students who will come...