HELPERS ’GONNA HELP - Become a Donor at Gdańsk University of Technology! | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-11-30

HELPERS ’GONNA HELP - Become a Donor at Gdańsk University of Technology!

Gdańsk University of Technology students once again take part in the 12th edition of the nationwide project "HELPERS’ GENERATION "and between December 1 - 15 they register potential donors to the database of the DKMS Foundation.

This year, due to the ban on gatherings, the event could not be held in the university corridors, but it was possible to organize it in a slightly different form. This challenge was undertaken by 2 student DKMS leaders - Paulina Schulz and Julia Zawistowska, who created the so-called "contact network". Almost 30 volunteers were involved in the action, looking for people willing to register among people from their immediate vicinity - friends, family; at work, in the dormitory ... and give them registration kits, of course with all precautions. Then the volunteers pick up the kits, fill out a report and return them to the leaders, which they send back.

An information and educational campaign is also conducted at the same time. Volunteers share their knowledge about the donation of stem cells and bone marrow, and debunk myths about the methods of donation. They explain that only 1% of people enrolled in the database become the actual donor, because matching the donor and recipient is like looking for a needle in a haystack - the probability is at best 1: 20,000, and sometimes even 1: several million with a rare HLA. They emphasize that sometimes bone marrow transplantation is the only chance for complete recovery for patients suffering from blood cancer, and in 75% of cases, unfortunately, it is not possible to find a compatible donor among the family. That is why it is so important that the base of potential Donors is constantly growing.

Who knows, maybe your genes are unique and your genetic twin needs a transplant? Think about it, you can save someone's life ...

If our student volunteers did not manage to reach you, you can order a package directly on the DKMS website, which you will receive by post to the following address:

Registration takes place in 3 simple steps:

  1. medical interview,
  2. filling the form,
  3. taking swabs from the inside of the cheek.

The event was held under the patronage of the Rector of GUT.

Link to the event on FB: click HERE