Date added: 2022-08-22
Justyna Szostak co-chair of Task Force Learning&Teaching group of CESAER

CESAER organization was founded in 1990. Currently, it unites 58 leading European universities from 26 countries. CESAER safeguards high level of research and education, and aims at developing cooperation with the industry. The members of CESAER undertake integrated activities for the benefit of engineering education, responding to the global market demands.
The organization is divided into seven leading thematic groups (task forces). Justyna Szostak and Prof. Roberto Zanino from Turin will manage the group responsible for learning and teaching.
– My main task is to promote and organize a successor of the „Best Idea Competition 2021”, an international competition for the students of CESAER member universities, – says the researcher. – The aim of the competition is to motivate the students of technology universities to act for the society and sustainable development, by combining the engineering knowledge with soft skills. Teamwork, international environment, learning project management and human resources management, space for creativity, implementation of best ideas and considerable prize for the winner team, are only some of the advantages of the competition. All of that under the supervision and support of international experts. Our additional objective is to expand cooperation, gain and share knowledge within the scope of multiple/joint degrees and joint international programs, being the core of my professional interest.
Gdańsk University of Technology is a member of CESAER association since 2015. It is the third Polish University, next to Warsaw University of Technology, and Poznań University of Technology, which joined the organization. The decisive factors in becoming a member of CESAER are, e.g. the vision and strategy of a university, finances, including industry funding, cooperation with business environment, other universities and graduates, employee career paths, research output and publication record, as well as organization of engineering, master and doctoral study programs.
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