[Update 13.01.2025] Call for applications for Francium scholarship competition (16.12.2024 - 06.01.2025) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-12-20

[Update 13.01.2025] Call for applications for Francium scholarship competition (16.12.2024 - 06.01.2025)

The call for applications in the program will be conducted from December 16 to  January 6, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

There has been a change in the regulations, please read the new provisions and instructions (how to apply) before applying. 

The most important changes introduced:

  • 3rd and 4th year PhD students can participate in the program (2nd year can participate in Polonium)
  • change of participation criteria regarding employment
  • change in the amounts of scholarships awarded and the method of awarding them.

The Evaluation Committee for the FRANCIUM SUPPORTING OUTSTANDING DOCTORAL CANDIDATES and POLONIUM INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS programmes has been appointed. The Chairperson is Deputy Director for Education, Quality and PQF prof. Ewa Lechman.

Due to a significant number of questions regarding the statement of the percentage of participation in the creation of the work:

"For multi-authored articles in scientific journals or obtained patents that have been awarded a bonus in the NITROGENIUM program or in the bonus  program for scientific publications and patents at the Gdansk University of Technology in 2024 (ZR 14/2024 of March 11, 2024), the declared  participation of the doctoral student must be consistent with that declared in the application for a bonus in one of these programs (need to submit a  copy of the previous application) - even if it concerned only PG authors.

"In the case of collective works and achievements'' not awarded as above - the statement of the percentage of participation in the creation of the work must include information on all co-authors (not only from PG).

Contact person

mgr Iwona Tkacz: francium@pg.edu.pl

More information HERE