As part of the doctoral school training programme, PhD students for the first two years are required to co-conduct didactic classes with first- or second- cycle students in a team with other teachers as a teaching assistant (passive teaching practice), and then in the 3rd and 4th year conduct classes independently as a teaching fellow (active teaching practice):

  • the amount of passive teaching practice (compulsory for 1st-2nd year) is max. 30 hours annually.
  • the amount of active teaching practice (compulsory for 3rd-4th years) is max. 60 hours annually.
  • PhD students, after mid-term evaluation, employed as an academic teacher at the Gdańsk University of Technology and teaching at the university, are exempt from active practice.

The exact dimension of teaching practice for a given discipline - in accordance with the school's regulations - is determined by the Dean of the faculty running the given discipline, however it cannot exceed the above mentioned limit resulting from the training program. 

In the case of entities co-running the school (IFFM and IHE), PhD students may be exempted from the teaching practice - a decision regarding this issue is taken by the head of the institute.

Classes within the teaching practice can be run either in Polish or in English - to be agreed with the person responsible for the course.

Confirmation / reports on the implementation of teaching practice PhD students make in report on research progress / PhD training in the Doctoral School (semestral report in the case of first-year PhD students, and annual report in the case of PhD students in higher training years). The report template is available in the tab >>> for download.

Completing this module of the training programme can be based on:

  • adding a PhD student to the participants of the course for first- or second- cycle students, which the PhD student was to co-lead and observe the method of conducting classes by the academic teacher,
  • preparing by the PhD student instructions for classes, instructional films or other didactic materials for classes that the PhD student was to co-conduct.

Teaching practice may be postponed to the next academic year only in exceptional circumstances, at the individual request of PhD student, accepted by the coordinator of a group of disciplines. The postponement of teaching practice means the necessity to complete the teaching practice in a double dimension in the next academic year (for a current year and for the previous year).