• 2022-10-20

    OFFSHORE 2022 Career Day - Catch the big fish!

    The first edition of the OFFSHORE Career Day at Gdansk University of Technology is coming up. This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives of companies operating in the renewable energy sector, but also an important step in choosing a career path. We invite students and graduates, as well as all those interested in offshore wind energy who want to build a professional career in one of...

  • 2022-10-18

    Workshops for academic staff – sign up

    From October 6 to 27, recruitment for workshops on cultural differences for Gdańsk Tech academic staff will be open. The meetings are organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. In September, the university-wide project "Creating an emotional support system for the international students of Gdańsk University of Technology" (project marketing name: "Hey, are you OK?") was launched at...

  • 2022-10-18

    Visit of ACEEU Accreditation Committee

    On 6–7 October, the ACEEU Committee (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) visited Gdańsk University of Technology. ACEEU is the only international quality assurance body that focuses on evaluating the engagement and entrepreneurship in higher education. The accreditation process is aimed at proving that Gdańsk University of Technology can be ranked among the...

  • 2022-10-14

    The National Education Day – 14th October

    The National Education Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the establishment of the National Education Commission in 1773 – the first in Europe ministry of education – which undertook the task of reforming education in Poland. It is a celebration of all education employees who deal with the difficult, yet extremely rewarding task of educating the next generations. On this occasion,...

  • 2022-09-21

    Inauguration of the new academic year at Gdańsk University of Technology – 4 October

    The ceremonial open session of the Senate on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023 will be held on 4 October at 11.15 in the Auditorium of the Main Building.   This year's inauguration ceremony for the new academic year will be held in a traditional form during the open session of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology. It will begin with a speech given by...

  • 2022-09-09

    Fahrenheit Universities will celebrate the start of a new academic year

    On 1st October, in the heart of Gdańsk, with the sound of carillons playing "Gaudeamus Igitur", several local universities will celebrate the start of a new 2022/2023 academic year. This is a special event in the country, emphasising the role of the academic community in the life of the city. The science-focused festivities initiated by the Fahrenheit Universities will be attended by the FarU...

  • 2022-09-07

    The launch of Erasmus+InnHUB in Gdańsk. Development of innovation

    Erasmus+ InnHUb is a project aimed at supporting the development of innovation in northern Poland. On 5th September, the representatives of Pomeranian universities, authorities of Gdańsk and the Foundation for the Development of the Education System met at the Library of the University of Gdańsk to launch the new center. The cooperation agreement with InnHUB Erasmus+ Gdańsk was signed on...

  • 2022-09-01

    Almost one million zlotys for new activities of the Center for Innovative Teaching

    The Center for Innovative Teaching received funding for its activities under the project "Teaching Excellence at universities" of the Ministry of Education and Science from POWER funds. The CIT project was on the third position in the MES ranking list among 52 applications qualified for co-financing.  "Teaching Excellence at universities" is a project of MES, the aim of which is to support...