• 2021-03-10

    Scientists from FETI with the award of the Minister of Education and Science

    The team of employees of the Department of Multimedia Systems at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of GUT was among the winners of the Awards of the Minister of Education and Science. The minister awarded the team of scientists from FETI for significant achievements in scientific and implementation activities. The group included: prof. Andrzej Czyżewski, PhD, DSc...

  • 2021-03-05

    A unique platform for the production of proteins using psychrotolerant yeast

    Another license agreement was signed for an invention in the field of biotechnology created by scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology and Łódź University of Technology. It is a platform that enables the production of proteins based on the gene expression system in a selected yeast species adapted to growth at low temperatures. This unique solution can be used, among others in the...

  • 2021-02-26

    E-learning and distance teaching - how to teach effectively? Over 225 000 euro for the E-TECH project

    Due to the pandemic and the social distance it forced, academics all over the world faced a sudden need to change their current teaching methods. For this reason, scientists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with the Center for Modern Education at GUT, decided to develop comprehensive materials that will help teachers all over Europe face this serious...

  • 2021-02-10

    Prof. Aleksander Orłowski in the team developing the new National Urban Policy

    PhD, DSc, Eng. Aleksander Orłowski, university professor, from the Department of Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics, was appointed to the team developing the new National Urban Policy (NUP). The team operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and the Institute of Urban and Regional Development. The scientist will cooperate with the group...

  • 2021-01-15

    The first meeting of the GUT University Council in the new term

    On Tuesday, 12 January in the GUT Senate Hall, the first, ceremonial meeting of the University Council under the new term of office for 2021-2024 was held. The nominations for the members of the Council were presented by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT.   The University Council of Gdańsk University of Technology consists of seven members elected by the GUT Senate. They were elected...

  • 2020-11-30

    Calendars for 2021 and other novelties are already on sale

    The Gdańsk University of Technology store offers original GUT calendars for 2021. You can also buy stationarily and online Christmas balls and other novelties - cotton face masks with the logo of the university and chokeberry jellies coated in chocolate according to an innovative recipe developed in cooperation with GUT scientists. GUT calendars for 2021 are available in the following...

  • 2020-11-26

    Almost PLN 5 million for young scientists in the 1st edition of the ARGENTUM program

    The granted funds will make it possible to carry out a comprehensive research process and disseminate research results, including the purchase of research equipment, materials, small devices or coverage of the costs of publication of the results. Some of the planned projects will be the basis for applying for international funds, thus implementing the objectives of the Excellence Initiative -...

  • 2020-11-25

    Almost PLN 7 million from the NCN for the implementation of projects at GUT

    Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology will receive almost PLN 7 million (PLN 6 768 102) for the implementation of 13 projects as part of basic research. The National Science Center has just announced the results of the OPUS and PRELUDIUM competitions. Projects from Gdańsk University of Technology, co-financed under the OPUS19 competition: ‘Modeling of injuries of the...