Gdańsk Tech Startup School (GTS2) is a project at Gdansk University of Technology that aims to build a sustainable, systemic mechanism for initiating and supporting the development of innovation and academic entrepreneurship through:

  • fostering innovative and entrepreneurial attitudes,
  • promoting knowledge in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship,
  • organising training and workshops related to innovation and entrepreneurship,
  • organising competitions related to innovation and entrepreneurship,
  • providing organisational and technical support as well as scientific and business mentoring for participants of programmes organised by GTS2,
  • involving stakeholders from the socio-economic environment in GTS2 activities,
  • providing grants for perspective teams planning to create economic entities, in particular startup or spin-off technology companies.

One of the activities of the GTS2 is the implementation of the Research University program entitled Molybdenum School of Startups. 

The summary of the completed training cycles of the Startup School I and Startup School II programs are the Demo Day events, during which startup teams (graduates of the Startup School programs) publicly present their projects in the form of short pitchings addressed to potential investors.
Feel invited to the next edition of Demo Day!

report on the last edition of the Startup School Demo Day event