According to the applicable regulations, a scientific monograph is a peer-reviewed book publication presenting a specific scientific issue in an original and creative way, and which is provided with footnotes, a bibliography or other information appropriate for a given scientific discipline. A scientific monograph is also a peer-reviewed translation into Polish of a work important for science or culture, or a translation into another modern language of a work important for science or culture, published in Polish. The evaluation also takes into account the scientific editing of source texts.

Publications Pc value Editing Chapter P value
Scientific monograph - level II in the field of humanities, social sciences and theology 300 150 75


100% of points awarded for authorship, regardless of the ratio of the number of authors from a given university to the number of all authors

Scientific monograph - level II other disciplines 200 100 50
Scientific monograph - level I in the field of humanities, social sciences and theology 120 40 20 √k/m, but not less than 10% of the points awarded for authorship
Scientific monograph - level II other disciplines 80 20 20

Scientific monograph in a publishing house not included in the list of publishers - the field of humanities, social sciences and theology

20 10 5

k/m, but not less than 10% of the points awarded for authorship

Scientific monograph in a publishing house not included in the list of publishing houses - other disciplines

20 5 5
  • the point value of a monograph that is a translation into Polish of a work important for science or culture or a translation of such a work published in Polish into another modern language, a monograph that is a scientific edition of source texts is 50% of the points listed in the above tables,
  • the exception is the case when this monograph was created as a result of a project financed: a) by the National Science Center, b) by the Foundation for Polish Science, c) under the National Program for the Development of the Humanities, d) under the framework program for supporting research and Innovation of the European Union or as part of a program related to the implementation of such a program - then this value is 100% of this value.

k - number of authors of a scientific monograph who authorized the university to publish this article in a given discipline.

m - number of all co-authors - both those who are employees of the university undergoing evaluation and those from other units.

To calculate how many points a multi-authored publication will bring to the author:

  1. Calculate the P value according to the table above.
  2. Calculate the unit share, i.e. the fraction indicating what part of the author's slot the publication will fill U=P/Pc*1/k.
  3. Finally, calculate how many points this part of the filled slot Pu= P/k will bring.
Years 2017-2018
  • The number of points awarded for scientific monographs published in their final form in 2017 and 2018, the chapters in these monographs and the scientific editing of these monographs are determined in accordance with the latest list of publications prepared and made available by the Minister during the evaluation period.