Regulatory information

On 6th January 2018, under Resolution No. 207 of the Council of Ministers of 19th December 2017 (M.P. of 2018, item 12), the Government Programme for Counteracting Corruption for the years 2018–2020 (RPPK for the years 2018–2020) was adopted.


The adopted Programme is the outcome of work of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, undertaken as a result of arrangements between the Minister of Interior and Administration, which is responsible for the implementation of the RPPK for the years 2014–2019, and the Minister – Special Services Coordinator.

The Government Programme for Counteracting Corruption for the years 2018–2020 implements the obligation to conduct systemic actions in the field of counteracting corruption resulting from the recommendation of the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), recommendations of the European Union and the Council of Europe, as well as the United Nations Convention against Corruption. During its creation, the Bureau was also guided by the necessity to be coherent with the Strategy for Responsible Development for the period up to 2020 (including the perspective up to 2030), which was adopted on 14 February 2017 by the Council of Ministers and constitutes an update of the National Development Strategy 2020.

When formulating new objectives, it was assumed that the RPPK for the years 2018–2020 will act as a tool ensuring flexible planning and management of legislative, operational, preventive and educational activities undertaken by state services and authorities in the area of counteracting corruption crime. As the main objective, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau indicated a real limitation of corruption crime in the country and raising public awareness of counteracting corrupt behavior.

Basic concepts and definitions related to corruption

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted powers for the purpose of obtaining undue personal gain. The Act on the CBA specifies when an undue advantage constitutes a crime (laid down in art. 1, paragraph 3, item a of the Act on the CBA).

Undue benefits - the opposite of the due benefit, i.e. the resulting one from e.g. an employment contract concluded with an employer, or the provisions governing the employment relationship (e.g. an award, a raise, a company car, a mobile phone, etc.). Undue benefits may be financial or personal, obtained for oneself or for someone else.

Who is responsible for?

On the receiving side, a person performing a public function.

On the handing side - everyone.

What is punishable by law?

Both giving and accepting an undue advantage in exchange for an act or failure to act. It is an offense to propose an advantage or demand it (even if the public official did not accept it or the customer did not give it).

Conflict of Interest - conflict between private (personal, family) and public interest. Occurs when the performed work activities may affect the private interest of the employee. Employees may encounter a conflict of interest quite often while performing their duties. Much more often than with the so-called hard corruption. It destroys the principles of impartiality and disinterestedness that should characterize a public official.

Anti-corruption training courses

An educational programme, commenced in October 2010, dedicated to employees of public administration, contributed to educational activities arising from the issuance of the Anti-Corruption Manual for Civil Servants. The training courses are conducted by the officers of the CBA, who illustrate the theory with examples derived from their professional experience. 

On the website was made available the anti-corruption e-learning platform in Polish and English version. It is one of few examples of such an application in Europe. Current version includes modern legislative and organisational solutions in the scope of counteracting corruption in Poland and is adjusted to needs of all people interested in anti-corruption issues, especially officials, entrepreneurs and students. 

The platform was presented at the 66th Plenary Meeting of the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), as well as at the European Commission and at the seminar of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) devoted to pro-social policy of law enforcement agencies and training techniques organized in Saudi Arabia.


The CBA issued publications which are available in the form of e-books and audiobooks.