Basic information

  • No statutory definitione
  • GUT Internal regulations - GUT Code of Ethics

„Protect the good name of Gdańsk University of Technology in both internal and external activities, fulfil its mission, and avoid conflicts of interest and activities directed against the dignity and authority of the University.”


The following are the most common forms of conflicts of interests:

  • Self-dealing, in which an official who controls an organization causes it to enter into a transaction with the official, or with another organization that benefits the official only. The official is on both sides of the "deal".
  • Outside employment, in which the interests of one job conflict with another.
  • Nepotism, in which a spouse, child, or other close relative is employed (or applies for employment) by an individual, or where goods or services are purchased from a relative or from a firm controlled by a relative. To avoid nepotism in hiring, many employment applications ask if the applicant is related to a current employee of the company. This allows recusal if the employed relative has a role in the hiring process. If this is the case, the relative could then recuse from any hiring decisions.
  • Gifts from friends who also do business with the person receiving the gifts or from individuals or corporations who do business with the organization in which the gift recipient is employed. Such gifts may include non-tangible things of value such as transportation and lodging.

Red flags

A red flag is a sign of possible fraud or corruption. It is an item or set of items that is unusual in nature or deviates from normal operation. This is a signal that something out of the ordinary has occurred that requires further investigation.

Examples of red flags:

  • There are unjustified selection or award criteria that favor a particular company or offer.
  • The person responsible for drafting the documents organizes the procedure in such a way that there is no time to carefully review the documents before starting the procurement procedure.
  • Unusual behavior of an employee insisting on being informed about the procurement procedure, although not responsible for it.
  • There is no contract or the documentation supporting the purchase is insufficient.
  • In international projects there is a long, unexplained delay between the announcement of the winning bidder and the signing of the contract (this could mean that the contractor is refusing to pay or is negotiating a bribe).


In many cases, there are no legal governing procedures/ rules to be followed in order to avoid a conflict of interest.

Observance of the following rules help avoid problem:

  • the principle of equal treatment,
  • the principle of impartiality - employee activities should be performed without personal preferences, and the situations should be assessed as objectively as possible,
  • principle of selflessness - making decisions or performing activities, we should not be guided by our own (private) interest, or expecting benefits for ourself, relatives or friends.

Furthermore we should:

  • avoiding situations that could evoke a sense of gratitude towards entities, if there is a probability of dealing with their affairs in the future,
  • asking other people whether a given action may result in a conflict, and in case of further doubts, informing and consulting the superior.

Elimination of the conflict of interest at GUT

Gdańsk University of Technology in its activities is guided by principles of ethics and respect for the law.

On January 19, 2011, the University Senate passed a resolution on the adoption of the Code of Ethics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. The values and good academic practices developed over the years of the University's existence have thus found their systematized form, becoming a signpost for the entire community of Gdańsk University of Technology in everyday work and study.

Information on ethics at GUT with access to the above-mentioned codes of ethics, each employee can find on the GUT homepage in the Employees / Ethics tab.

Student and doctoral students' unions develop and promote a student's code of ethics and a doctoral student's code of ethics.

Transparency of activities

On the homepage of the Gdańsk University of Technology, there is a link to the GUT Public Information Bulletin website, where public information is made available.

If a given public information has not been included in the PGI BIP and is not on the BIP PG website, it can be obtained by submitting an application (PL version is available on