Workshops for students - sign up | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-10-18

Workshops for students - sign up

Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office invites international students to participate in workshops on peer mediation and cultural differences. The events are organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project.

In September, the university-wide project "Creating an emotional support system for the international students of Gdańsk University of Technology" (project marketing name: "Hey, are you OK?") was launched. 

As part of this initiative, many activities were planned in the field of mental health support (consultations with a psychologist), wellbeing (yoga, mindfulness) and communication (workshops on cultural differences, mediation) addressed to the international students.

The main goal of the project is to take care of the broadly understood well-being - emotional, mental and physical, of students and staff of the university.

Ongoing enrollment for student events:

  • workshops on cultural differences for the international students - more information
  • workshops on coping with stress for the international students - more information

More about the "Hey, are you OK?" initative can be found on the project website.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Relations Office at the e-mail address