Student and employee well-being is very important at Gdańsk University of Technology. We are aware that everyday situations that you deal with at the university can be difficult, stressful and can lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts. Sometimes the problems we face are not directly related to work or studies, but affect them.

Therefore, we encourage you to participate in a project aimed at emotional support for students, with particular emphasis on international students, as well as administrative and academic staff. We have planned various activities for you that you can benefit from, depending on the support you need. These may be consultations with a psychologist, or yoga classes in groups. We have oriented some of the classes towards specific groups like international students, students from Poland, academic and administrative staff. Other classes will be available to anyone who is interested.

Important information - participation in all events organized within the project is free of charge. Registration is required for all meetings.

for all



for international students


workshops on cultural differences

workshops on coping with stress

for Polish students

workshops on peer mediation

workshops on cultural diffeences

for academic staff

workshops on cultural differences

for support staff

workshops on mediation

workshops on cultural differences