We are busy every day🏃‍♀🏃. We rush to classes, to work, we carry out projects. We regret the day is not longer , we work all weekends 📅. Due to fast pace of life, we no longer relax, we have lower and lower resistance to stress, and lower self-esteem. We just feel bad about ourselves. It is time to change that.

We invite you to mindfulness training, which is a great way to de-stress and calm down. Even if you have never tried meditation before (or may even be not convinced of such practices), consider our classes as a moment of relaxation for yourself. A kind of a mental spa😉.


Registration is closed. We are not planning any more recruitment for mindfulness classes. 

When will the classes be conducted?

Classes for the English-speaking group will take place on the following dates: Friday, April 14 and Friday, April 28 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Where will the classes take place?

For the mindfulness classes, we invite you to the sports hall in one of Gdańsk Tech buildings at Sobieskiego 18 street (see the map). If you haven’t been there yet, it will be a good opportunity😉. The entrance to the room will be marked - look for information boards.

Remember to take:

1. comfortable sports outfit (mindfulness is practiced without shoes, however you can enter the sports hall either in sports shoes with a non-marking sole or in socks only),
2. your own sports mat.

And one more thing - we will provide drinking water, but it is worth taking your reusable bottle with you (let's be eco☘).

Yoga vs. mindfulness 

If you are wondering what is the difference between yoga and mindfulness, we can explain - apart from breathing exercises, yoga is also just physical exercises (more difficult and easier ones). Mindfulness is more of a form of sitting / lying meditation. If you feel that yoga may be a bit too much for you, we invite you to mindfulness training (however, we encourage you to sign up for both classes😉.)

Who can sign up for classes?

The classes are aimed mainly at international students (Polish and English-speaking), but we also cordially invite other students and university employees😉