Financing institution: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Funding: PLN 124,035.00
Start date: 1.06.2022
End date: 30.04.2023
Project title: Creating an emotional support system for international students studying at Gdańsk University of Technology
The aim of the project is to support the institutional capacity of the university in the field of international students service by creating a comprehensive emotional support system. The project is a response to the needs and problems that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the transition of universities to remote education. Changes in the organization of academic life have largely affected international students.
The project will be implemented through: psychological support for international students, including the provision of psychological advice and the organization of open workshops on coping with crisis situations; non-psychological support through the organization of yoga classes and mindfulness training; mediation workshops, including peer mediation taking into account the intercultural context; workshops on cultural differences and culture shock; study visits to psychological support centers at universities abroad.
The results of the Project include: 180 psychological counseling; training of 210 people in the field of, inter alia, mediation and cultural differences; preparation of a report on study visits; creating a network of peer mediators with 30 students; organization of a conference to disseminate the results of the Project. The expected long-term effects and benefits of the Project will include the operation of a support network for international students, created by employees and students, and sensitization of the academic community to the needs of foreigners.