At such a large university as Gdańsk University of Technology it is really difficult to avoid conflicts between students and staff or the staff themselves. In the maze of rules, regulations and procedures, we sometimes forget that there is a person on the other side, whom we can try to help🙏. Administrative staff play a special role here, as they are often in the front line in difficult situations and are the first to react when a dispute arises between, for example, a student and an employee.
In order to help administrative staff in their daily work, we invite you to mediation workshops, after which (we hope) you will know how to react in crisis situations, including those in which the intercultural context🌎 is important. If you have participated in the intercultural skills workshops organized by us earlier, the mediation workshops will be a great supplement to your knowledge.
Registration is completed. We are not planning any more recruitment for workshops on mediation.
When will the classes be conducted?
By signing up for the workshops you choose one of two groups:
- group III: Wednesday, April 19th and Thursday, April 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- group IV: Wednesday, April 26th and Thursday, April 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where will the classes be conducted?
The workshop will take place in builing no. 23, so called "Bratniak" in room no. 23 (check on the map). We provide small catering services😉🥗.
Who can sign up for classes?
We invite administrative staff from faculties and units, especially (but not only) people directly involved in work with international students🌎, i.e.: staff from the dean's offices, Student Affairs Office, Property Protection Office, Academic Sports Centre, Main Library and others.