• 2022-03-08

    Scholarships for international students - open call

    Newly admitted international students who started their studies at Gdańsk Tech in the summer semester may apply for scholarships. The best will receive annual scholarships in the amount of PLN 1,250.00 per month. Applications can be submitted until Wednesday, March 16th. ...

  • 2022-03-08

    Refugees from Ukraine accommodated in the dormitory of Gdańsk University of Technology

    More than 120 people escaping the war zone in Ukraine found refuge in the dormitory of Gdańsk University of Technology in Brzeźno, a district of Gdańsk. The building was comprehensively prepared for accommodation by employees and students of the university, and the transport from Przemyśl was provided by the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. On Sunday evening, a special train...

  • 2022-03-04

    The international situation and the Erasmus+ program

    Due to numerous inquiries from foreign partner universities, Gdańsk University of Technology authorities ensure that the situation related to Russia's attack on Ukraine does not affect the university's activities in the field of international cooperation under the Erasmus+ program. Mobility takes place according to the current rules, and foreign employees and students coming to Poland can feel...

  • 2022-02-25

    In solidarity with Ukraine – important e-mail addresses

    All international students of Gdańsk University of Technology who seek help and information regarding the current situation in Ukraine, can count on the support of students and employees of Gdańsk Tech. ...

  • 2022-02-25

    In solidarity with Ukraine – donate your items

    Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office encourages staff and students to participate in the collection of items for refugees from Ukraine. In this difficult time, let us show our solidarity with the Ukrainian nation as an academic community. ...

  • 2022-02-04

    Additional admission for international candidates

    From Monday, February 7th, additional admission for international candidates for master studies in English and Polish will start. The deadline for submitting documents is Sunday, February 20th. ...

  • 2022-02-04

    Announcement for new international students

    International Relations Office invites newly admitted international students to participate in two important events: Registration Week (February 14-18) and Welcome Meeting (February 22).  ...

  • 2022-01-31

    Chinese New Year - wishes from Gdańsk Tech

    Best wishes for the following Chinese New Year from Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office and prof. Christian Jungnickel, Rector Representative for Cooperation with Chinese Scientific and Didactic Institutions.