Almost PLN 7 million from the NCN for the implementation of projects at GUT | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-11-25

Almost PLN 7 million from the NCN for the implementation of projects at GUT

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Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology will receive almost PLN 7 million (PLN 6 768 102) for the implementation of 13 projects as part of basic research. The National Science Center has just announced the results of the OPUS and PRELUDIUM competitions.

Projects from Gdańsk University of Technology, co-financed under the OPUS19 competition:

  • ‘Modeling of injuries of the cervical section of the human spine during vehicle collision with a road barrier’, project manager: prof. Krzysztof Wilde, PhD, DSc, Eng., corresponding member of the PAS, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, project implemented as part of the consortium: Gdańsk University of Technology (FCEE) - leader, Medical University of Gdańsk (Faculty of Medicine), project amount: PLN 1 472 400, co-financing amount for GUT: PLN 1 249 200
  • ‘Fast global optimization of high-frequency systems using surrogate models’, project manager: prof. Sławomir Kozieł, PhD, Eng., Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, grant amount: PLN 1 066 800
  • ‘Electrochemical Au-Minecraft: a new approach to building impedance biosensor systems’, project manager: PhD, DSc, Eng. Jacek Ryl, university professor, Faculty of Chemistry, project implemented as part of the consortium: Gdańsk University of Technology (Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics) - leader, University of Gdańsk (Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Biology), project amount: PLN 1 276 200, grant amount for GUT: PLN 779 064
  • ‘Innovative European funds for responsible investment: determinants of development and socio-economic consequences. Perspective of sustainable development’, project manager: PhD Adam Marszk, Faculty of Management and Economics, grant amount: PLN 442 200
  • ‘Technological specialization and divergence of productivity in the era of digitization, automation and artificial intelligence’, project manager: PhD, DSc, Eng. Aleksandra Parteka, university professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, grant amount: PLN 722 280
  • Disposable baby diapers: monitoring of selected toxic compounds through the use of new analytical methods, project manager: PhD, DSc, Eng. Justyna Płotka-Wasylka, university professor, Faculty of Chemistry, grant amount: PLN 1 262 880

Projects from Gdańsk University of Technology, co-financed under the PRELUDIUM19 competition:

All scientists can participate in the OPUS competition, regardless of their research fellowship and academic degree. As part of the competition, it is possible to apply for funding for a research project, including the purchase or production of research equipment. This year, the National Science Center awarded co-financing to 352 projects (out of 2 424 applications) in the amount of PLN 451 million.

PRELUDIUM is, in turn, a competition addressed to people starting their research careers and without a doctoral degree, in which it is possible to apply for funds for the implementation of a project whose research team consists of up to three people (including the project manager and research supervisor). In this year's edition of the competition, 243 projects were qualified for funding (out of 1 672 applications) for the amount of over PLN 36 million.