Gdańsk University of Technology to receive over PLN 7.3 million for research | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-06-13

Gdańsk University of Technology to receive over PLN 7.3 million for research

reaserchers with funds from NSC
Researchers at Gdansk University of Technology will receive research funds under OPUS 26 and SONATA 19 calls of the National Science Center. Total funds granted to Gdańsk Tech amount to over PLN 7.3 million.

Projects from Gdansk University of Technology that qualified for funding:


“Can photointercalation negatively affect the efficiency of photoanodes? Exploring effective methods to mitigate the adverse impact of  photointercalation in layered materials”, project author: Mariusz Szkoda, PhD, Faculty of Chemistry, funding amount: PLN 1 359 256.

The phenomenon of photointercalation has been known for many years, but so far no one has proven that it can adversely affect the efficiency of photoanodes. Layered materials are often used as photoanodes to split water under light into oxygen and hydrogen, a promising source of future fuel. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to investigate the effect of photointercalation on the photoelectrochemical properties of a wide range of layered materials. In addition, the project objective is to find methods to offset this negative impact.

“Heat transfer intensification in two-phase flow by tailoring the working medium distribution,” Paweł Dąbrowski, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, PLN 1 175 920.

One of the barriers to the development of microprocessors is the efficient and rapid dissipation of heat from their surfaces using heat sinks, fluid flow distribution being a priority here. The project objective is to improve flow distribution on microgap heat sinks for cooling of electronic systems. Preliminary results have shown that approximately 58.5 percent temperature reduction can be achieved by introducing multiple inlets with cyclone generation, compared to a conventional design.   This reduction means that the performance of electronic devices can be improved, avoiding the risk of damage. The project is based on an experimental evaluation of different heat sink designs and different types of working fluids in order to find the best solutions for cooling electronics.

“Large displacement behavior of soil-structure interfaces under different boundary conditions”, Jakub Konkol, PhD, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PLN 1 172 161.

The aim of the project is to study sand-steel contact under non-standard boundary conditions in a torsional shear device. Based on the research, a material model will be developed describing the soil-structure interaction in the full range of displacements. The results of the project will be applied to modeling and predicting the effects of pile foundations for offshore structures.

“Surface functionalization of β-type titanium alloy by developing a hybrid, smart coating for biomedical applications”, Michal Bartmanski, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology – Gdańsk Tech project leader, funding for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 939 401 (project funding: PLN 1 360 301).

The aim of the project is to develop a smart surface modification on titanium alloy that will provide bioactivity and antimicrobial protection, activated only in the event of infection. Conducted in cooperation with the Medical University of Gdańsk and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the project involves comprehensive research on morphology, chemical composition, mechanical properties and biological response. Researchers are aiming to create innovative surfaces for orthopedic and dental implants that could significantly improve patients' quality of life in the future.

“The influence of operational parameters on the mechanism of vivianite crystallization in the process of phosphorus and iron recovery from wastewater”, Dominika Sobotka, PhD, Faculty of Civil and Envirnmetal Engineering, PLN 811 540.

The project aims to investigate the process of phosphorus recovery from wastewater through crystallization of vivianite (iron(II) phosphate) – a mineral that can be used as a fertilizer or a component of lithium-ion batteries. The planned research will enable an empirical and theoretical description of the vivianite crystallization process, focusing on the analysis of the impact of operational parameters on its kinetics. The research also includes determining the physical, chemical and morphological properties of the resulting vivianite and assessing its fertilizing properties and impact on plant growth. The obtained data will allow to develop a new mathematical model of the vivianite crystallization process, which will then contribute to more efficient phosphorus recovery and support the transformation of wastewater treatment plants into water resource recovery plants.

“Study of airborne wear particle emissions from an airplane brake towards a new methodology to evaluate its ecological friendliness”, Yurii Tsybrii, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, PLN 547 658.

Wear particle emissions from the brake friction are the second major source of environmental pollution after fuel combustion and account for about 25 percent of the total particulate emissions associated with transportation vehicles. These particles contain toxic substances that can penetrate through air, water or food into the human body, and can lead to various diseases if in constant contact. Currently, this problem is being studied only for ground transportation. Such an important mode of transportation as airplanes is not included on this list. The main objective of the project is to develop a new methodology for evaluating wear particle emissions from an airplane brake friction. The idea behind the project is based on the use of a new experimental system for measuring wear particles, providing slip velocity and contact pressure corresponding to real values in airplane brakes of various types. A new test procedure and methodology for evaluating wear particle emissions from airplane brakes will be developed.

“Insight into the function of post-translational modifications of proteins via large-size scale and long-scale molecular dynamic simulations”, Agnieszka Lipska, PhD, CI TASK, PLN 701 927.

The goal of this project is to study posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in proteins and their role in various biological processes, such as kinesin-microtubule binding. There are more than 400 types of PTMs, and disruptions in their function have been linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The physics-based coarse-grained UNRES force field will be used to study larger systems and longer scales, with new interaction areas representing PTMs. Machine learning will be used to predict the parameters of these interactions, which will speed up the process and will also be applicable to the introduction of other interaction areas in the future.

“Study of the mechanism of macroplastic litter transport in a stream with vegetation”, Łukasz Przyborowski, PhD (PAS), Tomasz Kolerski, PhD, Faculty of Civil and Envirnmetal Engineering - Gdańsk Tech is a partner in the project, funding for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 256 200 (project funding: PLN 589 992). The project focuses on determining the route taken by plastic waste in small rivers and streams with vegetation along the banks. The goal of the project is to retrace the route and select solutions to reduce the spread of plastic waste in inland waters and its release to the seas and oceans. As part of the project, a mathematical model will be developed at Gdansk University of Technology to allow numerical simulations of plastic transport under different water flow conditions. 


“Neurodivergent Team Mental Model”, Michał Tomczak, PhD, Faculty of Management and Economics, PLN 207 400.

Michal Tomczak, PhD and Elzbieta Karwowska, PhD from the Department of Management, will explore the important issue of teamwork in the context of incorporating neurodiversity, using qualitative methodology. As a result of the research, a Neurodivergent Team Mental Model will be created, i.e., one in which at least one person in the team self-identifies as neuroatypical or has a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia or Tourette Syndrome.

“PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras (PROTACs)  intended to knock down excessive amyloidogenic  proteins, human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP)  and human serum amyloid A protein (hSAA)”, Elżbieta Jankowska, Dsc, associate professor at University of Gdańsk, Prof. Jacek Czub, Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk Tech - Gdańsk Tech is a partner in the project, funding for Gdańsk Tech: PLN 195 600 (project funding: PLN 2 524 960).

The project aims to develop effective methods for the controlled removal of two human amyloid proteins: IAPP and SSA, using specially designed molecules capable of sending proteins for degradation (so-called PROTAC systems). Selective removal of protein excess may provide an innovative way to treat amyloidogenic diseases. The task of the team from Gdansk University of Technology will be to identify the paratopic regions responsible for specific binding of both proteins within the anti-IAPP and anti-SAA antibodies. Artificial intelligence-based computational structural biology methods and molecular simulations will be used for this purpose. The indentified paratope regions will be used to ensure recognition of target proteins in PROTAC systems.

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