The Gdańsk Tech Publishing House is on the ministerial list (ID number: 47800) of publishers publishing reviewed scientific monographs, which means that the author of a reviewed scientific monograph published in the Gdańsk Tech Publishing House receives 80 points. The list is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The Unit provides:
- editorial work,
- proofreading work
- graphic design,
- professional preparation for print,
- typesetting,
- distribution.
Publications of the Gdańsk Tech Publishing House can be ordered in Gdańsk Tech shop. Moreover, our books are distributed by bookstores in Poland, e.g.:
Główna Księgarnia Naukowa – Kraków
Księgarnia Ekonomiczna – Warszawa
Księgarnia Fachowa – Gdańsk
Księgarnia Naukowa – Lublin
Księgarnia PWN – Gdańsk
Księgarnia Techniczna
Księgarnia Techniczna – Warszawa
Poznańska Księgarnia Akademicka – Poznań.