Announcement of the first call for the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program (01.06-30.06.2022) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Research University

Date added: 2022-05-27

Announcement of the first call for the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program (01.06-30.06.2022)

The Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus (VHR) Program is part of the support for the implementation of the tasks of the IDUB Program in the area of research and implementation activities, under Measure V.5. Organization of Technology Transfer. The objective of the Program is to support implementation research conducted at the University in the area of technologies of key importance to the economy, in particular wind energy, hydrogen technologies and closed cycle systems. 
Budget and funding conditions

The subject of the application may be a research and implementation project. The realizing team (consortium) should consist of employees of at least two University's organizational units (departments or centers), and the Applicant's organizational unit becomes the project leader. It is possible for external entities, including those from the industrial environment, to participate in the project implementation as members of a consortium, provided that they cover direct costs of their participation from their own resources.

If an external entity is to be a member of a consortium implementing the project, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the establishment of the consortium, containing, among others, the manner of cooperation between the parties, the division of work between the parties and the definition of intellectual property rights to the results of the project.

Direct project costs may include:

  • costs of purchasing apparatus to achieve functional completeness of the research infrastructure necessary for the project;
  • costs of necessary modernisation and adaptation of premises;
  • material costs of conducting research or construction works, including the development of a prototype;
  • remuneration costs (gross) of contractors (design team) - up to PLN 36 000/person/year;
  • remuneration costs of technical and administrative staff of the team implementing the project;
  • costs of necessary external services.

How to apply?
  • The call for applications will be open from 1 June to 30 June 2022, 23:59. 
  • The Applicant submits the application in electronic version (to the address and a set of documents to the IDUB Project Team (by internal mail to the Project Management Center - formerly Project Department or in person room 407 building B of the Gdańsk Tech Main Building).


Polish version