Gdańsk Tech obtained the financial support of 1.260.000 PLN under the PROM programme - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff to realise project goals. Thanks to this financial support 50 PhD students from Gdańsk Tech, 40 PhD students as well as 10 academics of foreign universities will be able to participate in the project under five different financial support schemes in order to gain new knowledge, to improve their linguistic and interpersonal competences and scientific qualifications - in the case of PhD students - as well as to prepare common project proposals or to give lectures during winter or summer schools organised for PhD students by Gdańsk Tech or under its auspices, in the case of the academics of foreign research centres.

  • Under the first support scheme 30 PhD students from Gdańsk Tech will be able to participate in international scientific conferences (organised outside Poland) that will allow them to present the results of their investigations on top international forums (5-7 day-long scholarships).
  • Under the second support scheme 20 PhD students from Gdańsk Tech will be able to carry abroad their research/investigation activities using unique scientific equipment or infrastructure that is not available in Poland (approx. 30 day-long-scholarships).
  • Under the third support scheme 20 PhD students of foreign universities will be able to come to Gdańsk Tech in order to participate in winter or summer schools organised by Gdańsk Tech or under its auspices (5-7 day-long scholarships).
  • Under the fourth support scheme 20 PhD students of foreign universities will be able to come to Gdańsk Tech in order to participate in study visits (5-30 day-long scholarships).
  • Under the fourth support scheme 10 academics of foreign universities will be able to come to Gdańsk Tech in order to participate in preparation of common project proposal or to give lectures during winter or summer schools organised for PhD students by Gdańsk Tech or under its auspices (5-7 day-long scholarships).

In the case of the first four financial support schemes addressed to PhD students it is strictly requested that particular scholarships concern activities that are directly linked to the subject of their PhD theses. It is allowed to apply only for one scholarship under the support schemes available.

All PhD students as well as academics are strongly encouraged to submit their applications. Detailed information about the recruitment and regulations applicable are available in the documents, which can be downloaded from the project website.

  • All Gdańsk Tech PhD students interested in the programme should submit their applications to the project office to the hands of the project secretary Ms Monika Grzonkowska (Gdańsk Tech building 26, room 102 between 8:00 and 11:00, phone 347-24-16).
  • PhD students as well as academics of foreign universities interested in the programme should submit their applications only electronically to the project office e-mail address:
  • All submitted applications will be evaluated during meetings of the recruitment committee. Information about the recruitment results will be sent to all applicants electronically via e-mail.


  1. PROM Programme prolonged by 18 months with the end date of the 31st of March 2023.
  2. According to the project priorities the financial support under the current PROM programme is available only to those PhD students, who are under 40 on the date of the project end.
  3. Participation in international conferences as well as research/investigation activities should be completed on the date of the project end, i.e. on the 20th of March 2023.
  4. The PROM Program, in any forms of participation financed by the Program, does not allow double financing, i.e. simultaneous covering of costs from more than one source, as well as receiving support financed or co-financed from European Funds during participation in the PROM Project.
  5. The second edition of the PROM program is addressed to those who did not participate in the first edition of the PROM Program. The participation of persons who participated in the first edition of the Program is only possible in fully justified and reasoned cases.

The project recruitment committee reserves itself the right to amend the text of regulations, if necessary.