A list of useful information in a short form

From the 1st of January  2018 it is obligatory to use RP and EU colours only in full colour, i.e. it is not allowed to represent RP and EU colors in b-w. For this reason, please print all required documents in colour !!!

1. Gdańsk Tech PhD students

Documents to apply:

Minimum 2 weeks before departure one must:

  • sign up the financial agreement at the Project Office (at least 7 days before signing, the Project Participant is obliged to send the following information to the Project e-mail address: the exact date of the beginning and end of stay at the Receiving Institution, the planned scope of activities, bank details (name of the bank, exact name of the account holder, full account number from IBAN / BIC, currency of keeping the account), copy of insurance for the entire period of stay),
  • deliver the completed NAWA application form to the Project Office,
  • fulfil the application for travel abroad (in the case of PhD students not employed at Gdańsk Tech) or delegation at Moja PG (in the case of PhD students employed at Gdańsk Tech).

Within 2 weeks after returning, please provide the Project Office with:

  • Certificate with description of learning outcomes
  • Declaration of obtained results
  • Signed up the declaration of financial costs
  • Filled up the evaluation questionnaire

2. Foreign PhD students and academic staff

Documents to apply

To submit the application:

On the first day of stay at Gdańsk one must:

  • bring to the Project Office a full set of documents sent in the recruitment process (with original signatures, printed in colour) and a completed NAWA application form (also printed in colour),
  • sign the contract with Gdańsk Tech.

On the last day of stay at Gdańsk Tech one should deliver to the Project Office:

  • Certificate with description of learning outcomes
  • Declaration of obtained results
  • Signed up the declaration of financial costs
  • Filled up the evaluation questionnaire


  1. PROM Programme prolonged by 18 months with the end date of the 31st of March 2023.
  2. According to the project priorities the financial support under the current PROM programme is available only to those PhD students, who are under 40 on the date of the project end.
  3. Participation in international conferences as well as research/investigation activities should be completed on the date of the project end, i.e. on the 20th of March 2023.
  4. The PROM Program, in any forms of participation financed by the Program, does not allow double financing, i.e. simultaneous covering of costs from more than one source, as well as receiving support financed or co-financed from European Funds during participation in the PROM Project.
  5. The second edition of the PROM program is addressed to those who did not participate in the first edition of the PROM Program. The participation of persons who participated in the first edition of the Program is only possible in fully justified and reasoned cases.

The project recruitment committee reserves itself the right to amend the text of regulations, if necessary.