Call for 3rd edition of Argentum Triggering Research Grants (20.10.-2.12.22) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-10-20

Call for 3rd edition of Argentum Triggering Research Grants (20.10.-2.12.22)

The Aurum Supporting International Research Team Building program is a part of the activities of the centers of Gdańsk Tech priority research areas. Its goal is to increase and enrich the scientific potential of Gdańsk Tech as a result of the creation of new research teams led by researchers from Gdańsk Tech, with the participation of foreign scientists.

Please note

The application must be submitted electronically only through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module 

Budget and project financing conditions

As part of the program, you can get a university grant to finance the creation of a new research team. The funds can be allocated to cover the costs of operating in the structure of a team of foreign scientists, the costs of purchasing or creating research infrastructure, and the costs of international research cooperation. The maximum budget of the grant is PLN 500 000.

How to apply?

  • Calling in the program will run from October 20 to December 2, 2022. 
  • An application for the grant in the Program may be submitted by a Gdańsk Tech employee holding a doctoral degree, postdoctoral degree or the title of professor


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