Call for the 5th edition of Titanium supporting international patent applications (14.06 - 30.06) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-14

Call for the 5th edition of Titanium supporting international patent applications (14.06 - 30.06)


Under the Program, it is possible to obtain funding to cover the costs of activities aimed at obtaining or extending international legal protection for an invention. 

Budget and conditions of project financing

An application for funding may be submitted by an employee, doctoral student or student of the Gdansk University of Technology.
Co-financing may be granted only for activities concerning inventions to which the University will be entitled - in whole or in part - to property rights, and the University is not subject to restrictions on the commercial use of the invention.
The maximum grant for activities is PLN 18,000.00 gross and the maximum project period is 12 months.

Eligible costs of the project include:

1) costs of patent research (state of the art analysis),

2) costs of developing documentation for the application of inventions in the international PCT procedure, in the European procedure and in the national procedure.

3) costs of translation of application documentation,

4) costs of official fees for the application.

A condition for the grant is that the applicant entity is obliged to cover the costs of obtaining a patent in further procedures (validation costs in selected countries, official fees, etc.). 

If the rights to the invention covered by the application belong to the University in part (joint rights), the subsidy is proportional to the University's share in these rights - determined on the basis of the agreement on joint rights to / from the patent concluded with the other co-inventors.

How to apply


  • Recruitment for the program will run from June 14, 2023 to June 30, 2023.
  • The application must be submitted only electronically through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module and the Technology Transfer Center will conduct an analysis of the legal considerations and commercial potential of the invention, as well as obtain the opinion of the PG Patent Attorneys Team as to the patent potential of the invention.

Documents (only in Polish)