Date added: 2024-04-25
The 20th Seminar of the Advanced Materials Center

Changed hours of the seminar!
The twentyth seminar of the Advanced Materials Center will be held on May 6th at 2:45 pm in NE 140 (Building 42).
Prof. Greg Swain, Michigan State University (Michigan, USA), will give a lecture entitled "The Electrochemical and Material Properties of Conducting Diamond and Diamond-Like Carbon Electrodes – Applications in Electroanalysis" (2:00-2:45 p.m.).
Prof. Ming Chen, Technical University of Denmark, will give a lecture entitled "High Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysers for Green Fuel Production" (2:45-3:30 p.m.).
After the seminar pizza will be served.
- "High Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysers for Green Fuel Production"
Globally the amount of electricity generated from renewable energy sources is increasing. To integrate high amount of fluctuating energy into the existing energy grid, efficient and cost competitive conversion of electricity into other kinds of energy carriers is needed. Solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) has the potential to become a key technology in enabling this integration. With solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), electrical energy can be converted to chemical energy and stored as H2 or synthesis gas (syngas, CO+H2) via high temperature electrolysis of steam or co-electrolysis of steam and CO2. H2 and syngas can be further processed to a variety of synthetic fuels, which may be stored and later either reconverted into electricity or used in the transportation sector. Within the last decade, we have coordinated and participated in a number of projects on developing the SOEC technology. In this presentation results from the recently completed projects will be given. The focus will be on performance and durability of different generations of SOEC cells and stacks, together with post-mortem analysis results. Latest results on using SOEC stacks for grid balancing based on real-world wind profile will be highlighted. Potential problems in terms of life time limiting degradation phenomena in SOEC operation (both at the cell level and at the stack level) will be discussed in detail based on own findings as well as literature. Finally, some of the challenges faced in the future development of SOEC cells, stack components and stacks will be presented.