Date added: 2024-07-15
22. seminar of the Advanced Materials Center

We cordially invite you to the next joint seminar of the Advanced Materials Center and the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering (FTIMS), which will take place on July 22, 2024 at 13:15 in Aud. 1 EA WETI A (building 41).
Prof. Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Munoz from the Federal University of Uberlandia will give a lecture entitled: "Emerging role of 3D printing and laser scribing technologies in electroanalysis".
Prof. Munoz earned a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Sao Paolo, with some research conducted at the University of Oxford. He completed a postdoctoral internship, among others. at Arizona State University. He is Associate Editor of Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Director of the Division of Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis of the Brazilian Chemical Society. His research interests focus on electroanalysis, electrochemical sensors, nanomaterials, flow analytical systems, capillary electrophoresis, sample preparation, biofuels, forensic chemistry and novel 3D printing materials. He is an associate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Profesor Munoz published over 300 articles in JCR journals.
The second lecture entitled "The Battle at Biological Interfaces: Engineered Molecules and Materials Against Antimicrobial Resistance" will be presented by Tomasz Swebocki from Lille University.
Tomasz Swebocki is currently conducting research in the search for modern solutions to prevent the development of broadly understood antibiotic resistance. His main axis of research are bio and nanomaterials that have antibacterial properties and prevent non-specific adhesion of microorganisms to surfaces. He is a candidate in the Nobelium IDUB program.
Traditionally, we invite you for pizza after the seminar!