• 2022-11-03

    Cooperation with the EDF concern in the field of offshore wind energy

    Gdańsk University of Technology, the University of Gdańsk and the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences will cooperate with EDF Renewables Polska. The cooperation will include paid internships, participation of scientists in the assembly of measuring equipment on working turbines and the implementation of joint research and development projects. Representatives...

  • 2022-10-28

    Recovery of pure silicon from photovoltaic modules. Researchers checking the industrial application

    Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology can recover pure silicon from photovoltaic modules in laboratory conditions. Currently, they are checking if their technology can be industrially implemented. It is not only the photovoltaic, but also the entire electrical industry that rely on this expensive element. This solution will limit the consumption of valuable materials and energy in...

  • 2022-10-24

    Justyna Szostak, PhD Eng, elected a Director in CESAER.

    The thirty-sixth ordinary CESAER General Assembly, hosted by Technische Universität Dresden, elected new members of the Board of Directors to serve from 2023 to 2025: Justyna Szostak (Chair of the Internationalization Committee of Gdańsk University of Technology), Toril Hernes (Vice-Rector for Innovation of Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Karine Samuel...

  • 2022-10-12

    Disruption of the NMD pathway in cancer cells. A step towards defeating cancer

    Blocking the pathway for removing mRNA with nonsense codons, or NMD, in the proteins of cancer cells is an opportunity to create a non-invasive and extremely effective cancer therapy. Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology are working on such solution together with the University of Gdańsk, as part of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities. Production of proteins in each cell can be...

  • 2022-09-08

    Polyurethanes from corn derivatives – an alternative to petrochemicals

    Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology developed a patented method of obtaining bio-based polyester polyols made from fermented corn products, which can replace petroleum derivatives in the production of polyurethanes, while maintaining the same processing parameters. Currently, they pursue European protection of the invention, which has been awarded at international fairs and can be...

  • 2022-08-24

    The Baltic Windustry conference at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held on 8 September

    Registration for the international conference "Baltic Windustry: industrial research in offshore wind energy" is underway. The conference will take place on 8 September at Gdańsk University of Technology. This event is aimed mainly at representatives of industry and science who are active in the field of engineering and innovation, but also at students who have to choose their career path. ...

  • 2022-08-04

    Researchers from Gdańsk Tech creating a germicidal chamber

    Researchers from the Institute of Energy at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology are building a germicidal chamber under a project funded by the National Science Center.  Photothermal ablation of gold particles enabling elimination of bacteria and viruses. Project under the name: „Optimization of gold nanostructure shape and size in the germicidal chamber, using the...

  • 2022-07-26

    Prof. Janusz Rachoń, an honorary member of Gdańsk Scientific Society

    Gdańsk Scientific Society celebrates its centenary this year. During a formal session, Prof. Janusz Rachoń was granted the title of Honorary Member of the Society. The eulogy for the Professor was given by Prof. Ryszard Jan Katulski, the head of the Division IV – Engineering Sciences. Prof. Janusz Rachoń graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology in 1969....