Date added: 2022-11-03
Cooperation with the EDF concern in the field of offshore wind energy
Representatives of the Center for Offshore Wind Energy of Gdańsk University of Technology, the Center for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdańsk, the Robert Szewalski‘s Flow and Combustion Center of the Institute of Industrial Machines of the PAS in June signed a letter of intent regarding broadly understood scientific and academic cooperation with EDF Renewables Polska (EDF Renewables is a subsidiary of the EDF group and a world leader in the field of renewable energy). During the meeting inaugurating the cooperation, which took place in September at Gdańsk University of Technology, the potential scope and possibilities of undertaking joint activities were discussed.
– We hope it will be a long-term cooperation. We are open to developing such forms of cooperation that will be most beneficial for all parties. Our goal is to build a team operating on many levels. This is the first letter of intent that we have signed with academic centers in Poland in this area, and with such a great scientific potential – emphasizes Alicja Chilińska-Zawadzka, President of the Management Board of EDF Renewables Polska.
The cooperation is to take place in three areas:
• student education (the proposals include paid internships, participation of EDF experts in lectures at universities, master's programs related to offshore wind energy),
• research (including making accessible to the universities and scientists cooperating with them the infrastructure of wind farms in Poland for research purposes, participation in a possible pilot experiment of an offshore turbine)
• implementation of joint research and development projects (together with engineers from EDF Renewables and EDF).
– We hope that the agreement will bring tangible results on all levels already in the near future - emphasizes prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology. – Cooperation in the field of didactics is very important to us, but it is a complementary element to the most important thing, which is the research area in this field. We hope to cooperate at various stages of technological advancement.
– We are glad that we have managed to develop this innovative model of cooperation with the offshore industry, which includes three major research units on our market. We are institutes that complement each other in the field of competences, so we are a serious partner for EDF – emphasizes Sylwia Mrozowska, PhD, DSc, professor at UG, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development.
– We believe that the multi-faceted cooperation with the University of Gdańsk and Gdańsk University of Technology under the agreement concluded with EDF is an added value to the activities of our Institute in the field of offshore wind energy – said Marcin Lackowski, PhD, DSc, professor at FFM PAS, director of FFM PAS.
During the meeting, which was also attended by prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, vice-rector for organization and development, prof. Piotr Doerffer from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Sebastian Susmarski, PhD, director of the Center for Analyzes and Expertise of the University of Gdańsk and Paweł Flaszyński, PhD, DSc, Eng., head of the Aerodynamics Department of the FFM PAS, the first steps related to the implementation of the agreement have already been established. A coordination board will be established, consisting of representatives from EDF Renewables, the universities and the institute.
Call is underway for the Polonium & Frnacium
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Cooperation between Energa and Gdańsk Tech