New Benefit Rules for the Students of Gdańsk University of Technology - changes regarding the rector's scholarship | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-09-29

New Benefit Rules for the Students of Gdańsk University of Technology - changes regarding the rector's scholarship

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On September 29, 2023, the Rector signed the new Benefit Rules for the Students of Gdańsk University of Technology, which is an annex to the Rector's Order No. 42/2023. The Rules enters into force on October 1, 2023.

We would like to remind you that each student applying for the benefit declares that he or she has read its content.

Read the Rules (Polish version)

The changes in the Regulations concern primarily adaptation to the parent regulations, as well as the awarding of the Rector's scholarship:

  1. Scholarships will not be awarded according to criteria I, II and III (as before). Criterion I and II are common, i.e. the student obtains the sum of points for the average grade, scientific, artistic and sports achievements, the sum of points places the student in the ranking.
  2. Scholarship for first-year students of first-cycle studies - the only change concerns the nomenclature due to the abandonment of the "criteria"
  3. Change in the formula calculating the student's total points, resulting from point 1 - including points for sports achievements in the formula.
  4. The average grade is not calculated if the subject has not been passed (grade 2 or no grade).
  5. The average grade will be taken as of October 31 (winter semester) and March 12 (summer semester).
  6. Change of scores in achievement catalogs.
  7. Detailing the requirements for documenting achievements.
  8. Changes in the division of the scholarship pool - the pool into semesters, study mode and specializations is divided in proportion to the size of groups.