
Rules for charging fees for educational services, terms and conditions of exemption from fees and the amount of fees for educational services at Gdańsk University of Technology HERE

Foreigners studying full time studies with Polish as medium of instruction are exempted to pay tuition fee on the basis of following legal stay purpose in Poland:

  1. EU citizens, citizens of Swiss confederation , citizens of EFTA countries and their family members, living in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  • the spouse of an EU citizen,
  • an immediate descendant of an EU citizen or his/her spouse, up to 21 years of age or dependent on an EU citizen or his/her spouse,
  • an immediate ascendant of an EU citizen or his/her spouse, dependent on an EU citizen or his/her spouse.
  1. Non-Polish citizens who have been granted right of permanent residence, or long-term EU resident permit
  1. Non-Polish citizens who have been granted right of temporary residence under circumstances set out in Article 159, paragraph 1, or  Article 186, paragraph 1, points 3 or 4 of the Law on Foreigners of December 12, 2013 (Journal of Laws 2017 item 2206 and 2282, Journal of Laws 2018 items 107, 138 and 771);
  • for the purposes of family reunification,
  • due to the fact that he/she is a holder of a European Union long-term residence permit issued in another EU country;
  • due to the fact that he/she is a member of the family of a holder of a European Union long-term residence permit issued in another EU country, accompanying or plans reunification
  1. Non-Polish citizens who have been granted refugee status in the Republic of Poland or have been granted temporary asylum or supplementary asylum on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  1. Non-Polish citizens who hold a certificate confirming knowledge of Polish as a foreign language - minimum C1 level, issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language
  1. Holders of the Karta Polaka (Polish Card) or persons who have received a decision confirming Polish descent;
  1. Non-Polish citizens who are spouses, ascendants (parent) or descendants (child, grandchild) of Polish citizens, and living on the territory of the Republic of Poland