Vice-Dean for Development
date of birth
- Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (1990)
degree/scientific title
- habilitation – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (2017),
- PhD – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (1998)
- Gdańsk University of Technology: assistant-trainee (1989–1990), assistant (1990–1998); assistant professor (1998–2013); senior lecturer (2013-2017), associate professor (since 2017)
academic positions
- worker of Department of High Voltage Engineering and Power Apparatus (1989 - 2011), Department of Mechatronics and High Voltage Engineering (since 2011)
institutional functions
- member of Polish Committee for Standardization, Technical Committee no. 53 – Cables and Wires (since 2018),
- member of Polish Committee for Standardization, Technical Committee no. 68 – High Voltage Measurements (2002-2006),
- member of the Supervisory Board of BBJ SEP (2002–2006),
- member of Polish Lightning Protection Committee SEP (Association of Polish Electrical Engineers)
external scientific placements
- Lviv Politechnic National University, Lwów, Ukraina (2019),
- ABB Ludvika, Sweden (2019),
- Siemens Erfurt, Germany (2019),
- DEHN, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany (2012),
membership in scientific institutions
- member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering (since 1996),
- member of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers SEP (since 1991)
scientific interests
- high voltage engineering,
- lightning and surge protection,
- power quality,
- product conformity assessment
publications/scientific profile
awards and distinctions
- Silver Medal for Long Service (2019),
- Medal of the National Education Commission (2009),
- Brown Cross of Merit (2005),
- Rector Awards for scientific achievements: II degree (2), III degree (1),
- Rector Awards for didactic achievements: I degree (3), II degree (3), III degree (3)