The Economic Convention operating by the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology is a platform for the exchange of information, consultations, and expressing opinions and positions between the scientific community of Gdańsk University of Technology and the economic community, in all matters affecting the economic development of the country and the region. The Economic Convention is composed of representatives of leading enterprises representing various sectors of the economy, economic organizations and business environment institutions invited by the Rector of Gdańsk Tech.
The Rector, together with the chairman of the convention, may invite representatives of institutions and research centers as well as central and regional state and local government administration, MPs and senators, in particular those representing the Pomeranian region, local government organizations, institutions and offices of a controlling and supervisory nature. Members of the University Council, management of Gdańsk University of Technology, faculty deans and university academics acting as permanent experts of the Convention are entitled to participate in the meetings of the Economic Convention each time. The Rector appoints permanent representatives of faculties of Gdańsk University of Technology to participate in the meetings of the Economic Convention.
Composition of the Economic Convention by the Rector of Gdańsk Tech
Chairman of the Convention
Zbigniew Canowiecki, PhD - Pomeranian Employers
The full composition of the Economic Convention can be found in the Documents tab.