Vice-Dean for Students Affairs
date of birth
- University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1997)
degree / scientific title
- PhD – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (2003)
- Gdańsk University of Technology: assistant (1997–2003); assistant professor (2003–2013); senior lecturer (2013–2019); assistant professor in didactics (since 2019); Gdańsk Tech professor in didactics (since 2020)
academic positions
- Vice-dean for education at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (2016-2024)
institutional functions
- Member of the Steering Committee in the programme POKL „Przygotowanie i realizacja kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna – studia międzywydziałowe” (2009–2015),
- GUT representative in Polish Consortium for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (since 2019),
- vice-chairman of the Gdańsk Branch of The Polish Medical Physics Society (since 2022)
external scientific placements
- Innsbruck University, Austria (2005),
- Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source, Great Britain (2000),
- University of Manchester, Great Britain (1997–2000)
membership in scientific institutions
- Member of The Polish Physical Society (since 2005),
- Member of The Polish Medical Physics Society (since 2019)
- Member of The German Society for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (od 2023)
scientific interests
- investigation of interaction of radiation with biological molecules,
- dose assessment in nuclear medicine,
- medical physics,
- radiological protection,
- Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy,
- breathing and cold therapy,
- modern tools and methods of education, neuroscience
publications / scientific profile
awards and distinctions
- Medal of Commission of National Education (2016),
- Bronze Cross of Merit,
- Award of the Minister of Education and Science (2023),
- Rector Award for organizational achievements: I degree (4), II degree (3), III degree (2),
- Rector Awards for didactic achievements: I degree (4), II degree (2), III degree (3),
- Laureate of the 1st edition of the EduSh#re program (2023)
non-scientific interests
functional and self-defense training, Cuban salsa, trekking, vegetarian and vegan diet